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Rooftop Whales: An audio-visual experience

Croes states, “I create sound objects that don’t have a correct way of being played, so that I can be like a child when I perform. I am always seeking a way to be curious and playful with my work and I hope to collaborate with others to do the same.”

Croes will conduct one final performance during her stay, on the rooftop of Wave Pool on June 9th from 9-10PM. Though the performance will be for a small, private audience, there will be a live-feed projected on the side of Wave Pool’s building during the event for passersby and attendees to experience.


The LIVE rooftop performance entails an audio visual experience with urban-moving images of camp washington in correlation with a variety of sound samples of "the whales" / train tracks located in our vicinity. Virtual and local audiences will be able to watch a live streaming of an hour long DJ set with compositions of the found and produced sounds.