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Strawberry Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Community Care Potion Ceremony

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Friday, June 5, 2020pm

3:12-4:12pm EST livestream (2:12-3:13pm CT & 12:12pm PST - 1:12pm PST)

3:35pm is the Lunar Eclipse (vortex portal) - Divination Magick

This Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is asking us to be expansive in our love and care! We want to expand our love and care into our communities, especially during this time where our black communities and their accomplices are needing support more than ever.

With that in mind, I, Edgar Fabián Frías, am inviting you to join me for an hour-long livestream participatory ceremony where we will be creating Community Care Potions!

This potion will be one that you will be able to consume or, alternatively, gift to a loved one, to your city or town by pouring it down the drain, or to a nearby plant or animal kin.

This community care potion we will be creating together will be with the intention of falling in DEEP LOVE with our communities and offering nurturance, care, and support to them.

As this is also a lunar eclipse, we will open up this potion to the oracular magick that happens within the liminal void of the eclipse. At exactly 3:35pm (EST), curator Justin Hoover will join me and will play preselected videos while I will offer a Lunar Eclipse Tarot Reading. At this time, I will also be asking for individuals to contribute their own intentions into the collective community care potion I will be making. All of these energies during the partial lunar eclipse will be imbued into the final potion and I will be consuming the potion at the end of the ceremony.

Please feel free to join me in making your own community care potion! I will be creating one, of course, with strawberries, as well as some water, tea, flower essences, and more! But, as this is YOUR community care potion, please gather items that give you pleasure and that will imbue this potion with the feeling of expansive love.

Suggested items include:
Water, juice, soda water, flower essences, fruit (strawberries!), herbs, agave, kombucha, spices.
Also, please gather objects that will support your own magical process, including, but not limited to: Crystals, tarot decks, candles, jewelry, your favorite gown or sweatpants, essential oils, flowers, feathers, etc.