Take your woodworking to the next level! In this class you will learn how to make a chessboard starting from wood that will need to be milled into shape using a variety of tools including the planer, joiner, and table saw.
Taking the same process of making a cutting board and take it one step further in making a classic looking laminated chess board in hard woods, of the students own choosing. You will also be making a frame to go around the chess board that will involve some version of a lap joint, or mortise and tenon at the corners of the frame. All the power tools learned in the beginners class will be used in the making of the chess board as well as opportunities for hand cut joints using Japanese pull saws, chisels, and files. You will then finish the chess board with a variety of techniques using hand planes, card scrapers, and sand paper. You will go over different wood finishing products as well so students have a variety of options on how they want their final project to look and feel. Each student will be able to give their own chess board its unique qualities to make it their own. Students will be responsible for picking up their own wood for class for this project and can select wood based on their own personal esthetic.
This class includes opportunities along every step in the process for students to make a chessboard that is unique and special.
Tuesdays July 12th - August 30th, 6:30-9 PM. 8 classes total.