Out & Through: a V+V staff show
Sophie Harrison, “All I Think About is You” (2021). Cotton fabric, Sequins, felted wool, glass beads, and thread.
Participating Artists:
Karen Boyhen, Ron Brookbank, Courtney Combs-Mock, Geoffrey “Skip” Cullen, Missy D’Angelo, Lizzy Duquette, Luke Findley, Dawn Hanlin, Sophie Harrison, Seana Higgins, Tory Keith, Morgan McKnight, Robyn Winkler, & Drew Yakscoe.
Karen Boyhen, "Drawing from the V+V studio” (2024). Ink on paper.
Perhaps the sole qualification for being an Artist is enough belief in one’s vision to manifest those ideas into the material world. So, when artists enter into relationships of service towards the creative needs and human circumstances of other artists, (as these fourteen artists and staff members of Visionaries + Voices do for their jobs,) the process by which their own artwork is produced—even what their work communicates—can be profoundly impacted.
When faced with the question, “Do you make art as a way of moving through life’s difficulties, or as a way to transcend out of them?” most artists likely answer both.
And for these professional studio artists who spend the bulk of their days in service to the creative endeavors of other artists, the pressure to sustain one’s own daily studio practice can be akin to the professional chef who eats a bowl of cereal for dinner, after cooking all day.
Likewise, the artists on staff at V+V perhaps have valid excuses to not feel motivated to create. However, the stunning work included in this exhibition—from drawings and illustrations, painting and sculpture, to textile and multimedia creations—demonstrates the ongoing commitment these creatives have to continuing to make art. Despite the myriad of reasons life provides us with, not to do so.
The work included in Out & Through demonstrates the ways in which art has the capacity to alchemize hardship into beauty through various means.
Thankfully, one does not have to limit themselves to the confines of an either / or approach. As in art, diversity lends a richness of experience and perspectives.
After all, oftentimes the only way out is through.
Out & Through: a V+V staff show will be on view from January 11th through March 1st, 2025.
This exhibition is generously supported by Diane Fishbein.